40 SkiLink
40-MR SkiLink
Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:
Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.
01 Columbia Station
02 Crawford Ave And Cashmere St
03 Mission Ridge
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Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:
Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.
01 Columbia Station
02 Crawford Ave And Cashmere St
03 Mission Ridge
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Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:
Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.
01 Columbia Station
02 Crawford Ave And Cashmere St
03 Mission Ridge
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Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:
Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.
01 Columbia Station
02 Crawford Ave And Cashmere St
03 Mission Ridge
Prefer the schedule in a table format?
SkiLink service to Mission Ridge will again operate weekends all season long for the 2024-2025 season, and there will be service to on Friday afternoons and Friday nights in January and February! Again this year SkiLink service is free, even if you don’t have a Mission Ridge season pass.
SkiLink leaves from Bay B2 at Columbia Station.