3 CWH/ Saddle Rock Trailhead
Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:
Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.
T Columbia Station
TColumbia Station
1 Central Washington Hospital (Westside)
1Central Washington Hospital (Westside)
Prefer the schedule in a table format?
Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:
Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.
T Columbia Station
TColumbia Station
1 Central Washington Hospital (Westside)
1Central Washington Hospital (Westside)
Prefer the schedule in a table format?
Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:
Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.
T Columbia Station
TColumbia Station
1 Central Washington Hospital (Westside)
1Central Washington Hospital (Westside)
Prefer the schedule in a table format?
Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:
Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.
T Columbia Station
1 Central Washington Hospital (Westside)
Prefer the schedule in a table format?
Select the nearest timepoint prior to your stop:
Expand the accordion to see all bus arrival times for the timepoint.
T Columbia Station
1 Central Washington Hospital (Westside)
Prefer the schedule in a table format?
Service on Route 3 to Saddle Rock Trailhead is “on-call” for all trips. For the bus to pick you up, you will need to call 509-664-7639 by the time the bus leaves Columbia Station to schedule a pickup. Use times listed at Timepoint T.
You may use the call box located at the bus stop or your personal phone. You may call up to 60 minutes in advance. If you do not call in advance for a pickup, the bus will not travel to Saddle Rock Trailhead.